Ennis 2040 Strategic Objectives announced

The Ennis 2040 economic and spatial strategy is grounded in a wide range of economic, social, and environmental considerations which provide a basis for targeted investment, balanced economic growth and a sustainable spatial pattern of development providing a choice of living.

The purpose of this strategy is to guide the long-term development of Ennis and highlight investment opportunities that will deliver competitive advantages over the short, medium, and long term.



In order to achieve this, the strategy has a Town Centre focus while also looking ahead to prioritise areas that support compact growth, realise economic opportunities and respond to the call for climate adaptation.

The overall vision provides a clear direction for the town with the guiding principles acting as a strategic framework to assess proposed projects, giving further clarity on the nature and form of future development.

The realisation of the vision, directed by the guiding principles, will be achieved through various projects over the next 20 years which may include, but are not limited to, the nine transformational projects proposed in this strategy.

This approach will give rise to many opportunities and benefits and deliver on the strategic objectives outlined below which Ennis will become known for.

SO 1: Location for Investment

To grow jobs, diversify its employment base, maintain a high quality of life, and protect the environment, Ennis needs to take advantage of available land within the existing urban area. Providing a diversity of jobs closer to where people live, in places such as designated business parks and education areas will not only help make Ennis more productive and competitive but will also make it a more attractive location for investment from a ‘green’, sustainable perspective.

SO 2: Ireland’s First Climate Adaptive Town

The future economic and social development of Ennis must be considered in the context of the protection and enhancement of its natural environment. Through management and planning, this natural environment also presents the town with the opportunity to lead the way in transitioning to a low carbon economy, becoming an exemplar as ‘Ireland’s First Climate Adaptive Town’.

SO 3: Accessible Place of Quality

To 2040, Ennis will not only generate growth but as a settlement has the space to accommodate this growth in sustainable, accessible, high quality locations. It offers a choice of heritage-rich place types, alongside a vibrant and robust social structure that enables it to accommodate growth while retaining its unique identity and community spirit. It will provide a variety of modern residential accommodation accessible for all types of households.

SO 4: A ’10 Minute Town’

Ennis has the characteristics and potential to lead the way as Ireland’s first ’10 Minute Town’, whereby a range of community facilities and services are accessible in short walking and cycling timeframes from homes or accessible by high quality public transport to these services in larger settlements.

Page last reviewed: 20/10/21
